Pacific Wild is a non-profit wildlife conservation organization dedicated to protecting Canada's Great Bear Rainforest.

Emergency crews responded to a diesel spill near northern Vancouver Island early yesterday morning. A spill from a fuel tank at an Atlantic salmon farm has left a growing oil sheen on the coastal waters in Echo Bay, just east of Port Hardy. The company that owns the site, Cermaq Canada, issued a statement that said its records show that up to 1,500 litres was spilled. The effects of this will be seen on local communities, clam beds, and endangers wild salmon and sea mammals. Bob Chamberlin, elected chief councillor of Kwikwasat’inuxw Haxwa’mis First Nation, said video footage taken from a helicopter above the spill Sunday shows fuel has leaked well beyond the confines of the farm and that there will be a need for the First Nation and other groups to monitor how far the spill reached and evaluate how it affects the area. #bcpoli #TraditionalFoods #Oilspill #fishfarm #BurdwoodIsland #FishFarm #Kwikwasutinuxw #Haxwamis #FirstNation #ClamBeds Photo by @iantmcallister


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